
Police searching for six suspects who violently attacked man in the Bronx

The suspects attacked the suspect in Devoe Park
The suspects attacked the suspect in Devoe Park in the Fordham Heights section of the Bronx on Friday night.
Photo courtesy of the NYPD

Police are looking for six suspects in connection with a violent assault of a 60-year-old man in the Bronx on Friday night. 

According to the investigation, the victim was walking in Devoe Park at around 11:20 p.m, when the six individuals approached him and began repeatedly punching him in the face and body. 

As the suspect fell to the ground, the assailants then slashed him in the face and neck with a sharp object. 

Shortly after the assault, the suspects, who cops described as four men and two females, hopped into two dark-colored sedans and fled northbound on University Avenue before police arrived. 

Paramedics rushed to the scene and took the bloodied victim to St. Barnabas Hospital for treatment, where he is expected to recover from his wounds.

No arrests have yet been made, and the investigation remains ongoing.

Cops described all six suspects as having dark skin complexions. 

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website, on Twitter @NYPDTips.   

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